Start thinking today
about your future
Your immigration lawyer in Spain
Who might find our services useful?
You are interested in relocating to Spain
You want to legalize your status or extend your residency in Spain
You want to open your business in Spain
We'll help you find the best solution for your immigration needs
Olga Zakharova
An immigration lawyer who is a member of the Official Chartered Institute of Administrative Agents of Catalonia and has over 10 years of experience.

Membership number 3882

  • Law
  • Economics
  • Business management
  • Master's degree in Spanish immigration legislation

Practice areas:
  • Immigration
  • Corporate
  • Administrative

"My principles in work are, above all, responsibility and honesty. Understanding what is real and what is not is the first step to making the right decisions."

Our services and solutions
What makes Spain an attractive destination for relocation?
  • Affordable way to obtain residency
    The loyal attitude towards foreigners in Spain and the current legislation allows to choose the most suitable type of residency for each newcomer.
  • Mild climate and good ecology
    The warm Mediterranean climate makes for comfortable living almost all year round.
  • Open borders for travel within Europe
    Spain's residency grants its owner the ability to visit any country within the Schengen Agreement without requiring an additional visa.
  • State social support
    Spain provides residents with the same social security conditions as its citizens, including appropriate benefits and social services.
  • Possibility to expand business
    With the right strategy, business development in Europe will always bring stable profits. Companies that create jobs receive the most support from the government.
  • Low mortgage interest rate
    Mortgage rates in Spain are kept low, ranging from 3-4%, and the new laws provide maximum protection to borrowers throughout the loan period.
Advantages of cooperating with us
  • Professionalism
  • High-quality and fast provision of services
  • Individual approach
  • Data confidentiality protection
  • Comprehensive support
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Helpful information
+34 722 172 565
Carrer d'Aribau, 161, L'Eixample, 08036 Barcelona
We are located in the center of Barcelona